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May 20, 2021



Nomenclatures that indicate the male gender are also inclusive of the female gender
Terms & Conditions
1.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period of twelve (12) months;
1.2 During this probationary period, selected officers will be given an induction course;
1.3 The salary attached to this position is of €28,081 per year;
1.4 A selected candidate will enter into an assignment of thirty-six (36) months within in a Regional Council, which assignment may be renewed for further periods. Unsatisfactory performance during the assignment period will lead to termination of the assignment;
1.5 The Results will be valid for two (2) years from the date of publication.
2.1 Duties of these vacant positions may be viewed in Annex I attached to this Circular.
Eligibility Requirements
3.1 By the closing time and date of this call for applications, applicants must be:
i. a. citizens of Malta; or
b. citizens of other Member States of the European Union who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or
c. citizens of any other country who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment by virtue of the application to that country of EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or
d. any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or
e. third country nationals who have been granted long-term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the “Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Regulations, 2006” or who have been granted a residence permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family members of such third country nationals who have been granted a residence permit under the “Family Reunification Regulations, 2007”; or
f. in possession of a residence document issued in terms of the “Residence Status of United Kingdom Nationals and their Family Members in Malta in accordance with the Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community Regulations”.
The advice of the Department of Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above provisions.
The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d) and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as necessary on this issue.
ii. able to communicate in the Maltese language and English language;
iii. qualifications as follows:
Project Management Officers:
In possession of a recognized Bachelor’s degree at MQF Level 6 in Project Management or Management Studies or European Studies or Business Administration or Creativity and Innovation or Quality Assurance Management or Tourism Studies or have a recognized, related and comparable professional qualification.
Cultural Officers:
In possession of a recognized Bachelor’s degree at MQF Level 6 in European Studies or Creativity and Innovation or Tourism Studies or have a recognized, related and comparable professional qualification.
Environmental Officers:
In possession of a recognized Bachelor’s degree at MQF Level 6 in Environmental Studies, in another related scientific discipline, or a recognized, related and comparable professional qualification.
Funds Administration Officers:
In possession of a recognized Bachelor’s degree at MQF Level 6 in Business Administration or Business Management or Economics or Banking and Finance or Accountancy or have a recognized, related and comparable professional qualification.
ICT Officers:
In possession of a recognized Bachelor’s degree at MQF Level 6 in Computing and / or ICT, or a recognized, related and comparable professional qualification.
Officers in Charge of Waste Management:
In possession of a recognized Bachelor’s degree at MQF Level 6 in Environmental Studies or Waste Management or in another related scientific discipline, or a recognized, related and comparable professional qualification.
iv. Public Officers, employees in the Public Sector and employees in the Regional / Local Councils who apply for these positions must be confirmed in their current appointment.
3.2 Qualifications that are of a higher level than the one required above will be accepted for the purpose of eligibility, provided that they are in the required subjects.
In addition, those candidates who have not yet formally obtained the above qualifications will still be considered, provided they provide evidence that they have been approved for the award of the qualifications referred to in paragraph 3.1 (iii) by the time and closing date of this call for applications.
3.3 Applicants must be of proper conduct for the position being applied for. In the case of applicants already working in the Public Service, Public Sector or Regional / Local Councils, they must provide a Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) or a related document including paid / unpaid Leave and Sick Leave records for the last four years. This should include any records of any disciplinary action (the absence of such records, it is understood that no disciplinary action has ever been taken) & must be updated by the Director or Executive Secretary responsible for Human Resources where the applicants are currently serving. While those applying from outside a Public Entity must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month before the date of application and state whether they have ever been in Government Service, giving details.
3.4 Selected candidates must be eligible for appointment in this grade, in accordance with 3.1 to 3.3 above, not only by the closing time and date of this call for applications, but also by the date of appointment.
3.5 Due consideration will be given to candidates who, in addition to the requirements listed in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.4 above, have relevant and proven work experience.
Submission of Documentation
4.1 Applications should be sent in PDF format to the email address by not later than 12:00 hrs, Monday, 31st May 2021
4.2 Applications must include:
i. An application letter including a section where the applicant states which vacancy he / she is applying for and indicates the preferred Regional Councils for this engagement where number one (1) should be used for the most preferred Regional Council;
ii. A Curriculum Vitae (which should include, the experience and the list of qualifications held by applicant);
iii. Applicants already working in the Public Service, Public Sector or Regional / Local Councils, must provide a Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) or related document including paid / unpaid Leave and Sick Leave records for last four years, including any records of any disciplinary action (in the absence of such records, it is understood that no disciplinary action has ever been taken) updated from the Director or Executive Secretary responsible for Human Resources where the applicants are currently serving. While those applying from outside a Public Entity must produce a Certificate of Conduct which has been issued not earlier than one (1) month from the date of application and state if they have ever been in the Government Service, and give all the relevant details.
iii. Certificates and / or documents demonstrating the applicant’s qualifications and experience
4.3 Original documents must, without any exception, be shown during the interview.
4.4 Applications received after the closing date and time (i.e. late applications) will not be accepted.

Annex I
Description of Duties

Project Management Officer
1. Assisting in the planning and execution of projects being developed by the Local Councils within the respective Regional Council;
2. Providing administrative support as required in relation to projects being carried out by Local Councils;
3. Responsible for the monitoring of projects, as well as preparing and monitoring progress reports and any other type of report as required on projects;
4. Organizing meetings with stakeholders and other officials on projects as required;
5. Collaborating and coordinating with other officials on all types of matters according to the needs of the projects;
6. Developing, planning and carrying out initiatives and projects for the Regional Council;
7. Conducting research, gathering information and maintaining all necessary project documentation as required;
8. A progress / performance report shall be submitted to the Local Government Division every three months and by not later than 10 working days from the Regional Council meeting;
9. Any other task according to the exigencies of the work and which the Executive Secretary may delegate to him / her as may be required.

Cultural Officer
1. Assisting in the design of an Annual Cultural Program that reflects the cultural strategy of the Region as well as coordinating with the respective Local Councils in the design, preparation, promotion and implementation of cultural activities and initiatives as required;
2. Researching and recommending innovative initiatives that can be organized or implemented by Local Councils in order to promote the cultural traditions and unique heritage of localities;
3. Assisting in the collaboration or development of cultural networks with both local and international stakeholders, in order to increase social inclusion, cultural diversity, economic benefit and sustainability;
4. Drafting an Annual Report on culture to be submitted to the Regional Council by 31 January each year;
5. Responsible for the monitoring of projects, as well as preparing and monitoring progress reports and any type of report as required on cultural projects or initiatives;
6. Working on a Regional Education Strategy, to incorporate programs and initiatives within communities to increase the cultural education opportunities of towns and cities;
7. A progress / performance report shall be submitted to the Local Government Division every three months and by not later than 10 working days from the Regional Council meeting;
8. Any other task according to the exigencies of the work and which the Executive Secretary may delegate to him / her as may be required.

Environmental Officer
1. Responsible for maintaining a Regional Register in respect of playing fields, public gardens and other sports, cultural or public property centers that fall under the responsibility of the respective Local Councils;
2. Preparing an annual report including the status of the places indicated in article 1 including an updated risk assessment and recommendations on what adequate maintenance or action they require, as well as the monitoring of such actions;
3. Proposing measures and guidance, through research & surveys methodologies, to the Regional / Local Councils through which to increase the creation and upgrade of more open spaces, measures for more efficient use of energy, good management of energy, waste and other initiatives to ensure emission reductions and noise pollution;
4. Assisting the respective Local Councils in environmental initiatives and projects;
5. Responsible for the monitoring of projects, as well as preparing and monitoring progress reports and any type of report as required on Environment related projects or initiatives;
6. Ensuring that the respective Local Councils adhere to the respective laws as well as to any other established regulations and guidelines related to the environment;
7. Collaborating and coordinating with other officials and stakeholders on all types of matters as needed by projects / initiatives;
8. A progress / performance report shall be submitted to the Local Government Division every three months and by not later than 10 working days from the Regional Council meeting;
9. Any other task according to the exigencies of the work and which the Executive Secretary may delegate to him / her as may be required.

Funding Administrative Officer
1. Assisting the Regional / local Councils in drawing up and formulating calls for tenders, with the collaboration of professional and technical persons where applicable;
2. Providing administrative assistance in awarding grants to students for research on aspects related to the Region;
3. Communicating with relevant stakeholders and assisting other officials as necessary;
4. Following the policies and procedures of both the Regional Council and the Local Government Division for an effective, efficient and expeditious performance;
5. Compiling data and statistics, research and preparing reports and documents as necessary;
6. Providing assistance to the administration of the Region on financial matters as well as assisting Local Councils in relation to grant opportunities from schemes offered both localy and internationally;
7. Assisting in the preparation of progress reports and any other related projects as required;
8. A progress / performance report shall be submitted to the Local Government Division every three months and by not later than 10 working days from the Regional Council meeting;
9. Any other task according to the exigencies of the job and which the Executive Secretary may delegate to him / her as may be required.

ICT Officer
1. Providing immediate response to requests, queries and technical issues to all Local Councils under its responsibility;
2. Providing high quality direct services as well as follow up on all commitments requested and made by Local Council employees;
3. Coordinating and addressing any related matters raised by Local Councils and collaborate as appropriate with the main ICT section of the Ministry responsible for Local Government and MITA, and follow standards as adopted by Central Government;
4. Assisting the Local Councils as regards the design of flyers and any other similar material, in uploading documents on websites and any other social media while providing ongoing training to employees to keep up to date with technological systems;
5. Providing support for ICT equipment by diagnosing faults in order to ensure optimum performance by ICT media in all Councils as well as Maintain up-to-date documentation of software applications, hardware, and any other related systems. ;
6. Assisting in the support of corporate software systems and the management of online systems being used by local Councils and also propose advanced technologies in this regard for the benefit of residents;
7. Collaborating with entities to facilitate and provide training to people unfamiliar with basic technology systems within the community;
8. A progress / performance report shall be submitted to the Local Government Division every three months and by not later than 10 working days from the Regional Council meeting;
9. Any other task as required by the work and which the Executive Secretary may delegate to him / her as may be required.

Waste Management Officer
1. Effectively managing the waste management contracts of all Local Councils under the responsibility of the Region, while monitoring operations and suggesting improvements on how standards can be raised while ensuring that the services provided offer value for money;
2. Providing assistance in the design and management of waste collection contracts;
3. Be familiar with European and National legislative policies related to waste management and assisting the Regional Council to achieve the objectives as set out in the national strategy;
4. Assisting the Regional Council in drawing up a joint plan with the respective Local Councils to jointly establish areas such as bring-in sites and other innovative waste management initiatives.
5. Providing assistance to Local Councils in promoting and educating for more knowledge on waste management;
6. Collecting and maintaining statistics on waste levels in localities within the Local Region through a report every 6 months as well as assisting the Executive Secretary in reports concerning this area to ensure effective, effcient and expeditious operations;
7. Assisting the respective Local Councils in initiatives and projects related to waste management while responsible for the monitoring of projects, as well as preparing and monitor progress reports and any type of report as required on projects or initiatives;
8. A progress / performance report shall be submitted to the Local Government Division every three months and by not later than 10 working days from the Regional Council meeting;
9. Any other task as required by the work and which the Executive Secretary may delegate to him / her as may be required.

Jum Dinji taċ-Ċikkulata

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