The Southern Regional Council has today officially launched its official logo and programme for the recent title of Region for Culture 2023. This year will be a celebration of our region’s identity were we will discover our distinctive history, culture, traditions, and much more. We invite you to follow us through our website and social media pages, where all the information will be uploaded and updated. Don’t forget to join us in each event
Jum Dinji taċ-Ċikkulata
Din il-ġurnata żgur mhux forsi hi milquha min bosta u ngħiduha kif inhi, min ma jħobbx iċ-ċikkulata?! Is-7 ta’ Lulju huwa l-jum fejn tiġi ċċelebrata iċ-ċikkulata. Xi uħud jissuġġerixxu li f’din il-ġurnata ġiet introdotta ċ-ċikkulata fl-Ewropa fl-1550. Din...