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Good Friday Conference

March 22, 2023

On the 18th of March 2023, the Southern Region of Culture launched its second conference related to Good Friday Week celebrations. This time round, we focused on different artisans that create the works of art seen during exhibitions and manifestations during Good Friday celebrations.  We had 5 speakers in total.  The first speaker at this year’s conference was Mr Charles Ellul.  Mr Ellul shared with us his passion for Good Friday and the recipe for the wonderful smell that traditionally engulfs these Good Friday exhibitions. 

Every enthusiast has his own recipe with the basic ingredients of this mixture being:

  • Cloves
  • Oranges
  • Balsam
  • Essence of perfume
  • Apples
  • Lemons
  • Wine
  • Mixture of Spice
  • Aromatic Herbs

Every recipe has its own secret of how this prominent mixture is blended.  Some put only old wine whilst others put only Maltese apples and oranges in the mixture.  Some use only 3 cloves whilst others use only a particular fusion of spices.  One this is for sure, that every mixture has a secret ingredient and that this is not shared easily but is passed on from one generation to the next.

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