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Post of Executive Secretary

February 23, 2017

The Southern Regional Committee notifies that the Post of Executive Secretary is vacant. Eligible persons (Executive Secretaries serving at Local Councils and Regional Committees and persons who have qualified as Prospective Executive Secretaries) may apply on the relevant application form which can be downloaded from the Department of Local Government website and addressed to:

The President (Vacancy Executive Secretary) Southern Regional Committee 395, Victory Street ĦAL QORMI, QRM 2504.

Application may be sent by post, by email or delivered at the above address in a sealed envelope by not later than noon of Friday 11th November 2016. Late applications will not be considered.

Tisjira Xlukkajra

Wieħed mil-għanijiet ta' Sena Kulturali tan-Nofsinhar hu li jqajjem kuxjenza fuq dak li nsibu madwarna. Għalekk wara li ftit tal-jiem ilu ġie mfakkar il-Jum Dinji tal-baħar u oċeani xtaqna nieħdu dan l-ispunt biex noħolqu kuxjenza fuq il-ħut u l-ibħra ta' madwarna....

World Ocean Day

A few days ago, precisely on the 8th of June, the world celebrated World Ocean's Day. On this day, the Southern Regional Council gave some tips on its facebook page which will lead to take care of our seas and ocean throughout the year. If we follow these tips, we...

Organic Bins

The Southern Regional Council has provided 5 bins for organic waste collection, in the 5 cemeteries found in its localities. The Southern Regional Council is encouraging further waste seperation and with the provision of these bins, the separation of waste collection...