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Seminar dwar it-Tradizzjonijiet tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira

April 5, 2022

Holy Week – A Cultural Heritage that unites us. Date: 9 ta’ April Time: 09.00Venue: Juventutis Domus ZejtunThe Southern Regional Council is organising a seminar focusing on the Holy Week Culture within its region. The Southern Regional Council has a very strong Holy Week culture within its localities. This year’s theme will focus on how the elements of Holy week changed over the past 100 years. This seminar is open to all those who are interested and is free of charge.Bookings are required by phoning on 21499355 or by sending a direct message on Facebook.

Il-Kunsill Reġjonali tan-Nofsinhar qiegħed jorganizza laqgħa li tħares lejn il wirt kulturali għal żmien il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira fi ħdan ir-Reġjun. Ir-Reġjun Nofsinhar għandu wirt kbir kulturali fejn tidħol il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira u għalhekk din is-sena se nkunu qed inħarsu lejn it-tema ta kif inbidlu ċertu elementi fl-aħħar 100 sena. Din il-laqgħa hija miftuħa għal kulħadd u hija bla ħlas. Biex tirriserva post tista’ ċċempel 21499355 jew billi tibgħat messaġġ dirett fuq il-paġna tar-Reġjun fuq Facebook.

Jum Dinji taċ-Ċikkulata

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