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The 4 Pillar Symbolism

January 28, 2023

During the Southern Region of Culture Launch, we symbolised the 4 pillars.  These 4 pillars will be the structure on which our events will be built during 2023.  

  • Shared Cultural Landscapes

               Shared Cultural Landscapes are the cradle of culture.  During the launch, this was symbolised by the location was chosen – the chapel of Bir Miftuħ.  This prestigious chapel was the fulcrum of civilisation and has been part of our landscape for more than 600 years.  This chapel was a Parish that served many other parishes such as Mqabba, Luqa, Gudja, Ħal Luqa

  • The Right Seed for the Right Pot 

               This was visually represented via a token given to all attendees at the launch, a paper that will germinate given the right pot.  This paper is made of environmentally friendly materials and also includes seeds which are part of the paper fibre.  The poppy seed was the chosen seed. 

  • Participatory Cultures 

               All of the 12 localities within the Southern Region of Culture 2023 were represented by the mayor, vice mayor, or councillor from the respective locality.

  • Regional Futures

               Children are our future and the way forward in building and preserving our culture and heritage.  During the event, the children had time to express their thoughts on What future they would like to live in? 

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