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The Pied Piper

June 19, 2023

The Baden Powell Scouts Malta has been awarded funding under the SIS Funding Scheme for a project entitled The Pied Piper which gives young people from the age of 8 the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument by the informal and non-formal approach for free.

The Southern Regional Council is advocating this initiative as it believes that this is a great opportunity for all. Music is found in every culture and it holds no barriers. Music is not about being politically correct. Music is what appeals to the ears and touches the soul.

World Ocean Day

A few days ago, precisely on the 8th of June, the world celebrated World Ocean's Day. On this day, the Southern Regional Council gave some tips on its facebook page which will lead to take care of our seas and ocean throughout the year. If we follow these tips, we...

Organic Bins

The Southern Regional Council has provided 5 bins for organic waste collection, in the 5 cemeteries found in its localities. The Southern Regional Council is encouraging further waste seperation and with the provision of these bins, the separation of waste collection...

Il-Kunċert Xemx u Baħar

Il-Kunċert Muziko-letterarju Xemx u Baħar li ġie mtella' bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Santa Lucija kif ukoll bil-kollaborazjoni ta' Pjazza Teatru Rjal. Kien kunċert muziko-lettararju fejn ingħata ġieh lil mużika Maltija. Dan il-Kunċert kellu d-direzzjoni...