Il-Ġimgħa l-Mqaddsa – Wirt Komuni li Jgħaqqadna, is a new publication by the Southern Regional Council which was launched on the 25th of February 2023. This publication is edited by Dr Noel Buttigieg and Prof. George Cassar and comprises a number of themes which were presented during a seminar organised in 2022. The contributors to this publication are Mr Mario Coleiro, Architect Ruben Abela, Dr Joseph F. Grima, Mr Daniel Pace, as well as Prof. George Cassar and Dr Noel Buttigieg, who have also collated and edited what had been discussed during the said seminar. Mr. Vincent Zammit, Mr Charles Coleiro and Mr Ġorġ Peresso were also invited to give their valuable input to this publication. Mr Peresso was interviewed about his role and the media during Good Friday events mentioning also his first Good Friday procession broadcast which was from Zejtun. Mr Vincent Zammit, who is a leading tourist guide and a researcher, wrote about Good Friday traditions and set the tone to the book, whilst Mr Charles Coleiro wrote about rituals and religious folklore related to this time of the year.
Rapport tal-Valutazzjoni tal-Impatt Soċjali Nhar il-Ħamis 29 ta’ Frar 2024 il-Kunsill Reġjonali tan-Nofsinhar niedha l-ewwel rapport li jittratta il- valutazzjoni ta’ l-impatt Soċjali. Dan l-istħarriġ sar fuq assessjar kwalitattiv u kwantitattiv li jittratta...