Are you interested in knowing what the logo of the Southern Region of Culture signifies?
The Southern Region of Culture logo is a representation of a cocoon of elements that make up our region’s culture and traditions. The logo has the form of a coloured sun which is a direct link to the Southern Regional Council emblem. At first glance, the logo looks like it’s made up of pebbles and stones which illustrate the settlements, chapels, open spaces, and great buildings in our region. It also symbolises the very early communities that lived on our Regional territory which was marked with initial primitive scribblings such as spirals. This links directly to one of the main pillars onto which the SROC23 is built.
Another fact that marks the SROC23 logo is that of small footsteps. These footsteps illustrate the steps taken by our ancestors to build our region and to create our traditions, and unique culture. Footsteps also show a path that leads from the present to the future and hence this also links to the pillars that SROC23 is founded on.
Another element found in the SROC23 logo is that of people and hence why one of the pillars of the SROC23 is participatory culture. The logo mirrors 12 rays of sunshine which is a direct representation of the 12 local Councils making up the Southern Regional Council.