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Programme 2023
1. Our community events

Culture can be a catalyst for change, empower well-being and foster community values. We shall seek to empower the communities within our region to discover their cultural landscapes, acknowledge their histories and aspire to better futures through culture.

These are some of the highlights from this year’s region of culture calendar of events.

Luqa – Niskopru Ħal Luqa

This locality is known for its strategic location which was also the reason for the destruction it experienced first hand during the second world war. This community event shall promote accessibility to the locality’s tangible and intangible heritage that has survived since then. It shall also promote safe spaces for the community to explore and engage with its heritage.

Marsascala – Inklużjoni f’Marsaskala

Originally a fishing village, this locality has developed into a tourist destination with a multicultural community including a broad range of nationalities. This community event shall foster inclusivity and explore diversity through culture. This community event shall include different groups of people and communities showcasing their native culture and traditions. · People from different dimensions will be performing in their national costume, and perform national dances.

Qormi – Festa tan-Nofsinhar

This historic locality is known for a broad range of traditions and cultural activities, particularly those related to the religious calendar. Its two village festas are amongst the most popular on the island. This community event shall seek to promote the broad range of culture participation expressed in the traditional arts and crafts that go with the village festa and which are still practiced today.

Santa Venera – Wignacourt u Santa Venera

This locality is known for its aqueduct built by Grandmaster Aloph de Wignacourt in the early seventeenth century to bring water to Valletta. This community event shall seek to underline the importance of water as a resource for better futures and how culture can contribute to fostering awareness.

Birżebbugia – Tiġrija fil-Baħar

This locality is known for its maritime harbor and sandy beaches which offer shade to a number of ships and boats. Birzebbuga used to host a traditional boat race with the traditional sailing boats. This used to happen on the Patron’s saint village festa. This event will include water sports, and water racing events as well as exhibitions on land of traditional maritime culture.

2. Special Editions of the Region’s Yearly Events

Ours is a very active region that is host to a number of cultural manifestations that are by now well established in our cultural calendar. This year’s edition of these events shall be inspired and informed by the vision and ambition of the Region of Culture title.

These are some of the highlights from this year’s region of culture calendar of events.

Żejtun – Żejt iż-Żejtun

As the name implies, the Zejtun Local Council organise an events celebrating the olive picking season and olive pressing for oil. The locality is has great links to the Order of the Knights of Malta as well as roman remains amongst other historical ties. The event shall seek to re-live the rich history of this locality through trails and drama in different prominent open spaces in the narrow streets of the locality.

Gudja – Birmiftuħ Spring Festival

The Bir Miftuh Music Festival, is organised by Din L-Art Helwa every year at the medieval chapel of Santa Maria ta’ Bir Miftuh Gudja. This is a wonderful experience not to be missed by heritage and music aficionados where the scenario compliments the musical scenes.

Birzebbuga – L-Imnarja fil-Pjazza

The traditional feast of Imnarja celebrates 2 saints, Saint Paul and Saint Peter who is also the patron saint of Birzebbuga. Hence the local council organises the Imnarja feast in the main square of the village with different folklore dancing and singing, ghana, and other traditional events for an activity enjoyed by the whole family.

3. Our Regional Projects and Events

We are still a young region, one of six with a constellation of XX local councils that jointly and collectively stand for one identity. As the first region to take on the title of Region of Culture our culture calendar shall also feature projects and events that bring together the communities within our region.

These are some of the highlights from this year’s region of culture calendar of events.

Sebħ in-Nofsinhar

This traditional drama piece purposely written for the region of culture project in a contemporary vein shall present the region’s history whilst also serving the purpose of an overview of the cultural programme for the Region of Culture project.

Official Concert at Serenity Garden Santa Lucija

A unique concert showcasing local artists and embellishing the region’s emblem of sea, and sun. This concert will also be giving a tribute to artist from the region all set in the wonderful tranquil ambience of the Serenity Garden

Documenting the Region’s Identity

The region shall be presenting a series of features, jointly with CVC media, documenting local trades and craftsmen that are still active in various localities. This project shall focus on current practice and the future perspective of these trades and shall be airing on national television on Sundays throughout 2023.

Annual Good Friday Symposium

This annual Regional Event shall be once again focusing on Good Friday and its relevance to the communities within the region. This year’s edition shall focus on artisanship and crafts that are used in the Good Friday traditions.

4. Investing in the Region of Culture Legacy

In this year’s activities and events, we shall strive to sow the right seed in the right pot as we think long-term about what we can achieve during this year and what the legacy shall be.

These are some of the highlights from this year’s region of culture calendar of events.

Region of Culture Legacy Conference

At the end of this year we shall be convening a conference to take stock of all the achievements that we aspire to and sow the seeds for the months and years ahead. The conference shall feature regional and national stakeholders.

Il-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa – Wirt komuni li jaqqadna

Good Friday Publication

E-book of religious heritage. A collection of traditional chapels in the Southern localities fo Malta

Our Legacy Book

This project shall seek to document the Region of Culture year …

5. Supporting projects and events within our region

Throughout this special year we shall also be supporting cultural events happening within the region.

Għaxaq – Karnival tat-Tfal

This locality is well known for its spontaneous carnival which actively involves the local community as well as others coming from all over Malta. This community event shall bring school children from all over the region to the Għaxaq carnival. Students shall be taking part in costumes of their own making.

Wine Festival

Traditional Horse Racing

6. Collaborations with National Stakeholders

Throughout the year we shall be collaborating with national institutions and stakeholders with whom we share the same values and commitment toward our cultural heritage as well as the region of culture’s vision and ambition.

These are some of the highlights from this year’s region of culture calendar of events.

Open Days in collaboration with Din l-Art Helwa

Din L-Art Helwa shall be organizing an opening to the public the heritage sites in our region that are entrusted in its care.

Dive into History 360 in collaboration with Heritage Malta

Heritage Malta Underwater Archaeology Unit shall be holding a number of sessions in various localities throughout the region in order to xxxx.

Research in collaboration with The Edward Debono Institute for Creative Thinking and Innovation

The Institute shall be working closely with the region in the run-up to the legacy conference scheduled to happen towards the end of the year. The research focus shall be futures oriented in order for the Region to better assess and posit the legacy of the RCOC title.

Caqlaq in collaboration with the Foundation for Social Welfare Services

The project blends interactive theater and physical activity to address obesity in young adults. Participants shall be empowered to create stories around props and costumes creatively linked to a particular physical activity.