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Jum it-Twaqqif tas-Soċjetà

Jum it-Twaqqif tas-Soċjetà

Il-Banda Kunċizzjoni Ħamrun qed torganizza programm ta’ attivitajiet biex tiċċelebra Jum it-twaqqif tas-soċjetà. Programm jibda is-Sibt 27/08/2022 b’quddiesa ta’ ringrazjament fis-6pm Il-Ħadd 29/08/2022 Anniversary Breakfast fil-Bokkin Cafè –...
Ethnic Night At the Piazza

Ethnic Night At the Piazza

Ethnic Night at the Pjazza will feature  Ethnic musicians playing folk and Contemporary music. The event will be held at Parish Priest Muscat Square on Monday 29th August from 7,30pm onwards.