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Southern Region Football Festival

Southern Region Football Festival

The Southern Region Football Festival is our next appointment, an event organised in collaboration with Sportify Sports Academy. Come and blow your whistles and cheer for one of your favorite youth football local teams. Events are taking place at Qormi, Birżebbuġa,...


Il-Ħolqa’, attività oħra organizzata mill-Kunsill Reġjonali tan-Nofsinhar. Waqt din l-attività ser inkunu qed induru madwar it-toroq tar-Reġjun biex naraw u ngawdu t-tiżjin sabiħ tal-Milied Nistednuk tieħu din l-opportunità  sabiex tiġi tara t-tiżjin tal-Milied u...
Good Friday Conference – Tinsmith

Good Friday Conference – Tinsmith

Our final speaker was Mr Sebastian Aquilina who is one of the last tinsmiths on the island.  Mr Aquilina has inherited this trade from his father and brothers.  A tinsmith is a person who deals with tinware to create day to day objects.  In Malta the...
Good Friday Conference – Salt Drawings

Good Friday Conference – Salt Drawings

The second interview during this year’s conference that was held at Bottega San Giorgio in Qormi was the Marsa Pageant Group.  A representative from this group explained to people attending the conference that the Marsa Pageant Group organises the Marsa Pageant...