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Good Friday Conference – Salt Drawings

Good Friday Conference – Salt Drawings

The second interview during this year’s conference that was held at Bottega San Giorgio in Qormi was the Marsa Pageant Group.  A representative from this group explained to people attending the conference that the Marsa Pageant Group organises the Marsa Pageant...
Good Friday Conference

Good Friday Conference

On the 18th of March 2023, the Southern Region of Culture launched its second conference related to Good Friday Week celebrations. This time round, we focused on different artisans that create the works of art seen during exhibitions and manifestations during Good...
Breakfast On The Bridge

Breakfast On The Bridge

Il-binja tal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Marsa tinsab biswit pont, u l-pont huwa simbolu li jgħaqqad. Għalhekk qed nistiednu l-Kunsilli li jmissu mal-Marsa, l-poplu Marsi u dawk kollha li jinsertaw għaddejin minn fuq il-pont biex magħna jieħdu breakfast u ngħidu kelma...